The kids now spend a longer time than before in the computer lab

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Following is an update about our project Empower Girls, Provide Computer Training

Two months ago, a teacher of FAWE school started handling the computer training.  We have done a lot of work to ensure the kids receive adequate lessons in computer.  

At present classes four and five are receiving computer training.  Class six has been exempted, due to their pending external examination that will take place on the 7th of May 2016. Their computer classes will commence two weeks after their examination.

The kids have learnt how insert tables, format text, change font sizes, font colors and also to fill up tables with numbers.  They have also learned how to save and retrieve documents.  

Because we now have a local teacher, the kids are now spending a longer time in the computer lab. Every lunch time is been seen as an opportunity to learn something new on the computer. They sometimes spend well over four hours in the computer lab. Computer training is now offered every day after school, as long as there is power.

The kids are very eager to learn and thanks to YOUR support, we are able to continue to provide this training to them.  

The computers in the lab were purchased as used computers in 2011 and are overdue for replacement. We appreciate your support today - which would enable us to replace them with newer computers with updated programs.

For more updates about this project visit, Empower Girls, Provide Computer Training
